
Birth Stone – For those whom we love

What are the birthstones by month? January is garnet, February is amethyst, March is aquamarine, April is diamond, May is emerald, June is alexandrite, July is ruby, August is peridot, September is sapphire, October is tourmaline, November is topaz, December is blue topaz.

International Gem Society

What Does Your Birthstone Say About You?

Written by : Blue Nile Inc.


Unlike the ups and downs of horoscopes, birthstones are said to reflect only the positive aspects of your personality. They strengthen your best characteristics and highlight your most charming traits. Each of these glimmering gemstones holds special messages for the lucky wearer. These messages come from history and lore, and differ throughout time and culture.

What is My Birthstone?

Your birthstone is determined by the month in which you were born. Today’s modern birthstone chart assigns one birthstone to each month.

Popular Birthstone Jewellery


January Birthstone

The “power suit” of gemstones, deep red garnets represent sincerity and a strong work ethic. The word “garnet” comes from the Latin Granatum, which means pomegranate seed. This dazzling January birthstone symbolizes affection, trust and spiritual devotion.

February Birthstone

Amethysts have been prized like diamonds throughout the centuries. Leonardo da Vinci claimed these exquisite purple-hued stones had the power to increase intelligence. The soothing, peaceful properties of this radiant February birthstone boost the natural calm of people born in the second month.

March Birthstone

Aquamarine symbolizes the calming nature of water and ocean travel and is associated with the apostle St. Thomas. This March birthstone represents an ideal blend of clarity and simplicity—fitting for people with a March birthday, who are also known for their loyalty and vitality.

April Birthstone

No matter which month you were born in, we believe stunning diamond jewellery is for everyone. This most coveted April birthstone gemstone was once thought of as lightning on earth. Throughout history, diamonds have represented healing, strength and everlasting love.

May Birthstone

As fresh as springtime, the emerald dates back to around 330 B.C. Cultures around the world admire this vibrant green May birthstone, hailing its powers of protection and truth. Emerald jewellery makes a striking statement for anyone who wears it. spring growth. Explore emeralds their storied history, and the mesmerizing green colour that sparkles as pendants, earrings and rings.

June Birthstones

The pearl is the only gemstone made from a living creature. Pearls embody wisdom and purity and are desired for their incredible versatility. People born in June are known for being trustworthy and loyal.

July Birthstone

Passion. Protection. Prosperity. The ruby has a long, revered history, and its brilliant, crimson sparkle captivates people everywhere. Whether you’re gifting ruby or adorning yourself with it, this July birthstone grants a sense of power and beauty.
Peridot was formed eons ago within deep volcanic eruptions. Hawaiians believed it symbolized the tears of Pele, the volcano goddess. Today, this bright, yellow-green August birthstone represents fortune, so wearing radiant peridot jewellery might just make every day feel like your lucky day.

September Birthstone

Sapphires have long been associated with heaven, divine favour and enlightenment. Along with its alluring deep blue colour and spiritual significance, this September birthstone symbolizes wisdom and clarity.

October Birthstone

Luminous colour dances across the surface of the opal—a mesmerizing quality that stands out in any piece of this gemstone jewellery. Mostly mined in Australia, opals are believed to reflect the different moods of the wearer. And if you can claim October’s birthstone, you’re probably known for your loyalty.

November Birthstone

Citrine is as fresh and golden as its name sounds. While citrine’s hues vary, its cheerful lemony appearance makes any type of jewellery glisten. This November birthstone is believed to calm and soothe a person’s mood, making it a thoughtful and intentional gemstone choice for yourself or someone you love.
Blue Topaz

December Birthstone

Symbolic of winter months, blue topaz is a gleaming stone that ranges from icy hues to deeper shades. Topaz dates back to ancient times and represents wisdom and longevity. People with this December birthstone are known for their strength and generosity.


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